You don’t know what a Merops apiaster is? Well nevermind, I didn’t know the latin name of the bee-eater until five minutes ago either :-).
When we planned our road trip to Italy, it was a must for me top stop at the “Kaiserstuhl” region. I heard before that there is one of the biggest populations of bee-eaters in Germany. These birds feel comfortable in warm regions. And since the area around the Kaiserstuhl is one of the warmest in Germany, it’s a perfect fit for them. What is also an advantage: Bee-eaters like to nest in steep walls and dig holes in the walls. The vineyards are the perfect location for that.
I found the perfect spotting location on a blog (thanks to and I could hear the birds just after I closed the car door. Within a couple of hours I shot enough photos of these incredible birds and it was fun watching them flying over my heads.
Have a good start into the new week and stay healthy! ๐