Exactly one month ago we visited London. Our plan was to visit a concert. This was cancelled due to Corona just the evening before at 10 pm.
The Corona uncertainty had just begun at this moment. Empty shelves in supermarkets, panic buyings. We just came back from New York one week earlier and we thought about whether we should fly to London, of course. Is the flight really departing? Are we actually allowed to come back? Since we had nothing to loose, flights and apartment were paid and the flight was not cancelled, we headed to London.
In fact everything was pretty normal in London. Packed buses and trains, at Piccadilly Circus everyone acted as nothing has happened. When we arrived at our Airbnb apartment we asked our host about the situation in London. Her answer was “Well, Corona seems to be an European issue, no problems here so far.”
We all know how fast this changed and how bad the situation is currently in UK. This is why I won’t provide any numbers here but show you some photos from before the Corona crises in London. Or was London actually already in the middle of the crisis?
Let’s start with this guy 🙂
As already in my last posting, all photos were shot with my smartphone.Stay healthy and have a good start into the new week!