I already mentioned some time ago, that I still have some photos from our last vacation in New England ready to show you. Since the weather situation right now is comparable to the situation during our vacation (it’s raining) It’s a good time to begin with it today 🙂 .
I’d like to start with some (covered) Bridges which you can find especially in the Eastern part of the USA. As I learned recently the roof on the bridges is to protect the wooden bridge itself. I actually never thought about the reason of the roof before, since we don’t have any of this type here in Germany (there might be some, but I never saw one). Correction: Actually there are some in the southern and Eastern parts of Germany. You can find them here (Thanks @Herby 🙂 )
Back to the USA: On a rainy afternoon we decided find some of those bridges. In times of google that was easy. There are actually websites with nothing but wooden covered bridges. The best thing: The route is included. So we visited 4 different bridges including one which wasn’t there anymore 🙂 . The last photo with the motorcycle was not part of the route, but since it is also a bridge I included it here.
Enjoy the rest of the sunday!
Schoene Fotos, trotz Regen. Es gibt uebrigens auch in Deutschland
eine Menge gedeckter Bruecken. Vor allem bei uns im sueddeutschen
Raum bin ich haeufig durch solche ueberdachten Bruecken gefahren. Wikipedia
listet ein paar Dutzend von ihnen auf: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_gedeckter_Br%C3%BCcken#Deutschland
Mhh, okay 🙂 Ich hatte jetzt nicht noch einmal recherchiert. In Süddeutschland war ich im “Backcountry” bisher so gut wie gar nicht unterwegs.
Aber gut zu wissen.