When speaking of Indian Summer, I’m always thinking back to our time in Canada. This weekend Germany has its own kind of Indian summer. The coloured leaves are falling from the trees, and so do the nuts. We battle with our neighbor, a red squirrel (tongue-twister!), about who is faster in collecting walnuts. I didn’t ask the squirrel how many he has, but I guess he is losing this battle 😉 .
Here are some fall impressions from the last days:
Apart from harvesting nuts, we enjoyed the
great weather this weekend and went geocaching.
I hope you also had a good week(end)!
Über die blöden Insekten sehe ich großzügig hinweg, denn mit Eule und dem Eichhörnchen (sag das mal 10 x hintereinander) plus dem leckeren Apple Walnut Bread, machst Du alles wieder wett. 🙂
Der Kuchen war in der Tat sehr lecker. Und auch wenn Eule den Kuchen nicht probieren konnte, fand sie das Wetter echt super um sich etwas zu sonnen 🙂