On the Pet Sematary

There are not many large cities in New England, USA. One of the large cities is Bangor in Maine. You don’t know this city? No worries. The city is not spectacular but it is home of Stephen King and parts of the movie “Pet Sematary” where filmed on the large cemetery in the city.

Since we did not visit the Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream factory we thought that we at least need to check out this cemetery. And since the weather was grey and it was raining, there were not too many other things we could have done, apart from drinking coffee 😉 .

Cemeteries in the USA are totally different from what we know from Germany. Thinking of the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg or the Kölner Melaten Friedhof the differences are huge. In the US, graves are more minimalistic, just a tombstone, that all. And sometimes a flag (well, everybody needs to know that you are in the US, right?!). But it was interesting to stroll over the large area with some really old graves.

Here are some impressions, starting with a video. Sound on!

Enjoy your long weekend (when you are living in Germany..)

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